Toasted Malt Nuts


6 cups of Nuts (Any kind of nuts)
6 Tablespoons of melted butter
1 cup of Soda Fountain ® Malted Milk Powder (depends on how much malt you want on the nuts)
Spices such as Cinnamon, Nutmeg, or hotter spices if you don't want too sweet of nuts.

How to make

Mix Melted butter, 1 cup of Malt and nuts in a bowl. Mix until it covers nuts. *** If you add spice, make sure and mix into the malt powder before mixing with the nuts.

Preheat Oven to 350-425. Place nuts on a baking sheet. Stir them every 5 minutes. When they start to turn a light brown and you can smell them roasting, take them out of the oven to cool.

(Optional: You can add green and red candies for festive look too!)
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